Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 5. Third best workout of my life.

It's all in the title.  I can't yet name the best workout I've ever had, because it hasn't come to pass yet.  That logic is a strange fallacy I've honored for some time now, and includes other categories as well.  Like my number one favorite actor wasn't Mr. Ledger until he was no longer with us, FSM rest his soul.

Anyways, the second best was in weight training when I discovered the true power of my quads.  I lifted the equivalent weight of a truck in a minute.  After demonstrating that feat of strength, many chemicals started fizzling up in my brain and body.  It's like drugs.  For free!

And today the same thing happened!  It was during Legs and Arms.  Nom.  I felt like a superhero for a good 10 minutes.  Or like I was berserk.

Overall, I'm enjoying it. I don't even care about seeing results yet, I just feel good.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 1. After a short delay.

So we were supposed to start yesterday with day 1, but that day ended up being packed with sleeping and getting ready for food.  We did the fitness test and completed measurements.  Needless to say I have a long way to go.

Eating right is a challenge.  I'm just not used to planning ahead so far.  The salmon a wild rice last night was muy bien though!

Today, however, was workout day 1! Chest and back and abs.  E joined me for abs, and I must say, is much more fit in that department.  Aye aye aye.

Gonna keep pressing play.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 0. The last meal.

I just finished my last non-P90X driven meal.  It wasn't very unhealthy anyways.  Two chicken breasts seasoned with Melting Pot stuff and baked, with some short cut green beans.  Quite tasty!  However, yesterday night and the night before was pizza, and the night before that was Five Guys.  My god.  That place is delicious and I may reward myself with it as soon as the 90 days are up.

Cottage cheese is disgusting.  I'm prolly gonna go with nonfat plain yogurt instead of that nasty.

I grocery shopped yesterday and got about 2/3 of the stuff for the week and came out to $150.  I noticed I was only roaming around the outside of the store: first to the fruits, then the veggies, and onward to the meats, and down a bit to the dairy.  Nothing processed.  No more Hamburger Helper.  I don't need your stinkin' help, oven mit!

Breakfast tomorrow is some turkey bacon, a chicken omelet, and some grapefruit.

Elizabeth is on her way as we speak! She's going to workout with me tomorrow. Huzzah!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Here We Go

A'ight. So I'm motivated, with many thanks to The Attorneyship.  I'll be starting P90X on Saturday.

Just that decision in itself was difficult though.  As I read through the nutrition guide, I noticed the calendars provided at the back of the book start on Mondays.  I mean, sheesh.  Oppressive, isnt' it?

Today I bought a bunch of gear from Academy and Wally World.  I got:

  • Resistance bands at 20, 30, and 50 pounds
  • A heart rate monitor 
  • Chin-up bar
  • Yoga/aerobics mat
Tonight I'll be developing a meal plan a making a grocery list.  Tomorrow I think I'll swing by the gym at work and have them do a body fat percentage test.

Some questions that are pending in the back of my mind right now:
  1. Where will I workout at home? I guess it depends on the exercise, but I was thinking primarily the garage.  For the plyometric days I might have to move to the living room for the tall ceiling.
  2. What will I do when I'm inevitably travelling on the weekends?  I suppose I'll just have to get everyone I visit on board with me.
  3. Will they be rage zombies or more like the lethargic type?

Oh, so the zombie theme is one way to keep me motivated.  Maybe.  It seems like a fun idea now.  I think I'll also shave my head to get really pumped.  Something about have a #1 buzz makes me feel manly.